subset construction

英 [ˈsʌbset kənˈstrʌkʃn] 美 [ˈsʌbset kənˈstrʌkʃn]

网络  子集构造; 子集合的建构; 子集构造算法



  1. In other words, a Method Definition corresponds to the subset of the RMC Library relevant to the method under Construction.
  2. Then the data-mining technology was used to extract optimum feature subset of built-up land and corresponding knowledge rules. After that, the decision tree algorithm was used to classify the study area and construction land using information was extracted.
  3. Because k covering subset is k-connected under certain conditions, people study the k-connected subset construction problem less. However, constructing k covering node subset as k-connected subset will use too many nodes, the cost is great.
  4. Therefore, this paper proposes a k-connected and 1-covered node subset construction algorithm& CPC, which can construct a node subset that is covering and k-connected with few nodes.